Tuesday, December 2, 2008

"The bosom can ache beneath diamond brooches; and many a blithe heart dances under coarse wool"

Wool has also been used for tea cosies, blankets, saddle cloths, carpeting, felt, wool insulation and upholstery. Even toilet seat covers. Wool felt covers piano hammers, and it is used to absorb odors and noise in heavy machinery and stereo speakers. Traditionally, wool is also used to cover cloth diapers.

I've also a few great wool coats and socks. I know merino wool long underwear is quite popular among women and men active in the outdoors. And...wool is used to make men's suits!

The wool bow tie is versatile, and can be worn as a choker with a t-shirt and the plaid shirt worn unbuttoned. A confident man can rock this. A man I'd date.


1 comment:

Some Rules Were Meant To Be Broken said...

if ANY guy wore a wool bow tie with an unbuttoned shirt OR a tee... I'd LOSE it. Ferreals.

I'm making a Poll on it.

Don't cheat it!